Grantham E Condominium Association Inc.
A not for profit organizationCentury Village East, Deerfield Beach, Florida

Grantham E Condominium Association Inc.
A not for profit organizationCentury Village East, Deerfield Beach, Florida


☝️ Committees

Financial Advisory Committee (FAC)

This Committee’s goal, led by Raymond, President, assisted by Linda, Treasurer and including three owners, Juliana (364), Jackie (361) and Patricia (457), is to pro-actively provide sound advice to the Board of Directors, as part of the decision making process in developing and implementing the yearly Budget. As such, the Committee collects, analyzes, reviews and informs on the finances of the Association.

FAC rules of engagement


To review the Budget 2024, and make recommendations to assist in the planning process of Budget 2025

Budget planning Schedule:

  • ✔️March - FAC meeting to review budget
  • FAC Presentation
  • July - FAC meeting to review budget, expenses, anticipated financial challenges and reserves allocations in order to make recommendations to the Board for 2025 budget planning process.

Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

This Committee’s goal, led by Bill, Vice-president, assisted by George, and one owner, Jim (262)  is to pro-actively provide advice and recommendations to the Board of Directors, as part of the decision making process to approve renovation or other projects. As such, the Committee collects, examines, reviews and informs the Board of Directors on proposed renovation projects which requires Board approval, ensuring all pertinent information and documents are submitted and adequate permits are obtained and displayed.

ARC rules of engagement

ARC checklist 


  • To participate in the development of water damage policy
  • To participate in the street address plaques project

Social Committee (SC)

This committee, led by Ralph as volunteer owner, assisted by Raymond, and including other volunteer owners, is to promote and enhance community spirit and good neighbourly relationship among Grantham E owners, occupants and tenants. In addition, upon approval by the Board, it involves planning, organizing, preparing and delivering social activities and events.

SC rules of engagement

SC budget 2023/2024


To organise the following social events for 2022-2023;

  • ✔️December 21st, 2023 - Holidays gathering at the pool (38 people)
  • ✔️February 19, 2024- 5 to 7 at the BBQ (20 people)
  • March 22, 2024 - Pizza night
Raymond Duquette
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