⁉️ FAQs (Frequently asked questions)
Who owns the Grantham E building and property, including surrounding grass and parking lot?
The Grantham E property, including surrounding grass and parking lot, is divided in 72 shares (1 proportional share per unit), and owned by all condo owners of the Grantham E Association,
How much are my assessments to the condominium association for my unit type and when are they due?
For one bedroom, the Association monthly assessment for 2025 is $310.88
For a two bedroom, the Assocation monthly assessment for 2025 is $363.63
Additionally new owners must pay a monthly fee to Cenclub ($102.50) as well as an additional monthly fee to CVE Master Management ($172)
Am I required to pay additional fees for other commonly used facilities? If so, how much?
Grantham E laundry laundry machines are coins operated ($0.50 for a wash, $0.75 for a dry cycle). A small part of the coins collected are spent on small purchases for the Association, while $2,000 worth is recycled in the budget.
CVE Master Management has installed Electric vehicle chargers within CVE. Car owners using them must pay a user fee at the charger.
What are my voting rights in the condominium association?
The Voting rights in the Grantham E Condominium Association Inc, is one vote per unit. If there are 2 or more owners for one unit, they must chose among themselves only one owner who will vote for the unit. Decl. Art 8.7
What restrictions exist in the condominium documents on my right to use my unit?
Restricted to residential use as a single-family residence. No more than 2 unrelated persons or 2 or more related persons by blood, marriage, civil union or adoption. One occpuant must be 55 years of age. Children under 18 years of age are prohibited to permanently reside in the unit but may visit and reside temporarely for period not to exsceed 30 days in total per calendar year. Decl. Art 9.1
What restrictions exist in the condominium document on the leasing of my unit?
You can not rent a unit for the first 24 months of ownership. After 2 years, you can rent only once per year, for a minimum of 3 months up to 12 months. 6 months or less rent is subject to the Tourist Development Tax.
Sub-renting or franctioning a unit to rent (i.e. bedroom) is strictly prohibited. AirBnb or other form of advertising for short term lease is strictly prohibited. Decl. Art. 12.1 b.
Do I have to be a member in any other association? If so, what is the name of the association and how much are my assessments?
Owners at Grantham E, within CVE, must pay monthly fees to CVE Master Management ($172) for the infrastructure (Gates, Fences, Lakes, Road, Street lights, Security, etc), as well as Cenclub ($102.50) for the recreational facilities (Clubhouse, Pools, Paddle Courts, Parks, etc.). Please confirm the monthly fee with them
How can I participate in the management and upkeep of the property without being on the Board?
All owners are encouraged to actively participate in the affairs of the property. Here are five different ways you can help out without being on the Board:
- First and foremost, by attending meetings and participating in social events.
- Second, you may chose to represent Grantham E and volunteer to become a Director on COOCVE
- Third, you may chose to be an active and on-going participant and volunteer on Committees in the implementation of the different events, projects or tasks initiated by the Board.
- Fourth, you may chose to help only on a specific event, project or task.
- Fifth, you’re always welcome to share with any Board Director your comments and suggestions to positively improve the Grantham E property and/or community life.
How do I make a complaint?
Most problems are often for minor stuff and easily resolved between neighbours, without any involvement from any Board Director. We encourage the owners to talk to each other to find common ground for solutions. If the problem persists or no resolution is achieved then you may want to involve the Board. If the problem is serious in nature and requires more than just a verbal and/or negotiated agreement, the Board may require a full and complete written complaint from the complainant, in order to support any legal matters that may ensue as a result.
Is the condominium association involved in any court cases?
At this time (October 2024), Grantham E is not invovled in any court cases.
Is the condominium created within a portion of a building or within a multiple parcel building?
Grantham E Condominium Association Inc. Was created within a multiple parcel building. It encompass the entire building and the surrounding land (parking lot, grass, eagress) as surveyed in 1976 by the developer.
Do I need to inform the Board prior to renovating my unit?
Yes, you need to inform and obtain written approval from the Board by completing and submitting to the Grantham E Architectural Review Committee, an Architectural Review Application form before initiating any renovation projects, such as but not limited to:
- Renovation projects such as kitchen & bathroom remodelling;
- Knocking down walls and floor plan reconfiguration;
- Plumbing such as changing water heaters, toilets, sinks, showers & tubs;
- Electricity such as changing electric panels & ACs;
- Installing doors, windows, hurricane shutters and enclosing balconies;
- Mold remediation works (i.e. drywall removal)
In addition, a Florida Licensed & Insured Contractor must be hired, and a permit from the City of Deerfield Beach must be obtained prior starting any work, including demolition. Failing to obtain appropriate permits on any of the above actions may result in serious financial and/or legal consequences.
These projects only require written Board approval:
- Installing hard surface floor on 2nd, 3rd & 4th floor;
- Installing a communication dish or devices;
- Changing the front door lock.
You don’t need to inform the Board nor do you require a permit to redecorate your interior, such as changing curtains, furnitures, picture frames or even applying a new coat of paint or wallpaper.
In doubt, please ask any Board Director.
When and where do I put out my bulk items?
Bulk items are to be put out on Tuesday night of each week, for pickup the next day. Items must be placed in the No Parking zone in front of the garbage tower on either side of the building. Place your item(s) neatly on the pavement, away from parking spaces and vehicles nearby. Do not put them on the grass or on the ramp leading to and in front of the garage door.
Do not store bulk item(s) in the open area of the storage room or anywhere else on the property while awaiting for pickup. Keep the item(s) in your unit until the next scheduled pickup on Tuesday.
What are the rules about smoking on the property?
What are the rules with regard to animals?
As a general rule, animals or pets are prohibited on the property, however service or support animals are permitted by law, providing that the animal owner notifies the Board and submits the following documentations:
For service animals
- medical letter attesting for the need of a service animal and
- certification of training of the animal to provide such service
For support (or companion) animals
- medical letter attesting for the need of a support animal and
- the animal description.
In all circumstances, exotic animals are strictly prohibited. Additionally, permitted service or support animals must be kept under owner’s control and may be banned from the property if they become a nuisance to others.
Do I own my parking space and/or my storage cage?
Who can park in the white parking spaces 1010 to 1017?
These 8 parking spaces are Grantham E extra parking spaces for owners. They are painted white to eliminate the problem of having unauthorized vehicles using them to access other buildings or the nearby park, courts and Club House.
Guest parking rules applies to them. You may direct your expected guests to park in them or you may park in them, as long as your designated parking space is occupied by a second authorized vehicle and you respect the following 30 days parking rules. You may not leave your vehicle parked and immobile for any period longer than 30 days consecutive in any guest parking space.
For unexpected guests and unsolicited visitors, Grantham E parking lot still offers 14 yellow guest parking spaces on the South side of the property.
No owner has an exclusive right to a specific guest or extra parking space and no guest or extra parking space is assigned to one owner.